Get to know us

Get to know us

  • The comprehensive quality of our care, excellence that we prioritize above everything else.
  • Accessibility and availability, so that you can be helped whenever you need it.
  • Honesty and Transparency in every of our recommendations, we will sincerely indicate what we consider you require for your improvement and well-being.
  • English professional competence, acquired with years of clinical practice as an English speaking Psychiatrist in different countries.
  • Multicultural competence. Extensive experience serving people from practically all cultures, religions, and with a diverse socioeconomic and professional range.
  • Vocation and genuine interest in the well-being of people, in helping those who need it.
  • Own experience with close ones who suffer from mental disorders.
  • Self-knowledge, having verified first-hand the benefits of successful psychotherapy: introspection and relevant changes in personality
  • We have the best collaborators and advisors to ensure that our clients receive the best services in all aspects that are relevant to their mental health.
  • Permanent growth, we want to continue improving and we will listen carefully to any comment or proposal that may arise.

Our interventions are based on efficacy and safety research as well as on our extensive experience adjusting the international guidelines and recommmendations to the specific needs of each patient.

DR. Enrique Sacristán Alonso

DR. Enrique Sacristán Alonso

Leading consultant and director

Graduated in Medicine, in 2008 Autonomous University of Madrid
Certificate of Completion of Training in Psychiatry in 2013 (La Paz University Hospital, Madrid)
Specialist Degree in Clinical and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 2017 (Comillas Pontifical University)
Master in Public Health (MSc PH) in 2021 (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and University of London)

Having worked abroad has significantly enriched my experience as a doctor as well as a person. The exposure to different cultures and languages has greatly enhanced my skills to communicate effectively with patients but also to better understand the specific situations that patients and their relatives go through.

I practice psycho-therapeutically oriented psychiatry, both in Spanish as well as in English, in person and videoconference. In my clinics, I always strive to make the patient feel comfortable and safe. I place special emphasis on specifying the improvement objectives and focusing the sessions on achieving them.

I adjust medication doses to the minimum that is effective, and I do not use unjustified polypharmacy (the simultaneous use of multiple drugs) in order to avoid potential side adverse effects and possible drug interactions.


External consultant

Sport Psychologist, Associate Fellow and Chartered Psychologist (British Psychological Society)

PhD. In Sport Psychology , Universidad de Málaga
MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology , UNED
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology, Universidad de Barcelona
Degree in Psychology, The Open University, Reino Unido
Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Montclair State University, EE. UU.; INEF, Granada
Coach, World Class Learning, Reino Unido

I have over 20 years of international experience in human performance, and I currently am the Lead Sport Psychologist at the renowned Aspire Academy, in Qatar. I have been a performance psychologist in different high demanding environments, such as the Qatar National Football Team at the FIFA Qatar World Cup 2022, Formula 1 drivers or world-class pianists as the Dublin International Piano Festival. I have worked with Olympic medallists in athletics from the USA, Croatia and Poland, and I am currently supporting world-class athletes from Qatar, also accompanying them to training camps and international competitions. Practicing applied Sport Psychology truly is my passion.

As a humanistic psychologist, I aim to promote the clients ´wellbeing as well as enhance their performance. My own scientific production endorses my applied practice. I also have extensive international experience delivering the so-called “Sports Injury Psychology”, supporting the athletes after an injury or surgical procedure, and accompanying them throughout the recovery path hence facilitating their return to play.

Eduardo Valcarce Merayo

External consultant

BSc Physical Activity and Sport Science

PgDip Prevention, Intervention & Functional Rehabilitation of Sport Injuries, Polytechnic University of Madrid
MSc. Innovation & Research in Sports Sciences (Hons), University of León
M.Ed. in Secondary Physical Education, Vocational and Languages Teaching, University of León.
BSc Physical Activity and Sport Science, University of León
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (NSCA-CSCS*D)

I have over 15 years of experience in the sports performance arena and I currently work as a strength& conditioning coach at Aspire Academy (Qatar), where I also hold the position of Head of Squash Performance. My professional career includes extensive experience in high-performance environments in countries such as Kuwait, China, and Hong Kong, helping athletes to reach the pinnacle of their performance: 2 Olympic medals, 6 World Championship medals, and 10 Asian Games medals.

I also collaborate as a casual lecturer at renowned institutions such as NSCA Spain, the University of León, and the European University of Madrid, regarding human performance topics.

One of my passions is mentoring sports professionals to enhance their employability in the sector, as well as providing online sports consultancy, in which I have extensive experience.

As a long-distance athlete, he competed for more than 20 years, primarily in events ranging from the 5K to the half marathon. I have participated in more than 30 Spanish national championships.