
Do you care about your mental health?

Psychiatry Clinics

Quality psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care, personalized and tailored to the clinical and personal needs of the patient, their preferences, and their life situation.

Our interventions are based on efficacy and safety studies. We always agree on treatment plans with the patient. We regularly review the response to treatment and are always available to adjust it in case of any difficulties, even without a scheduled appointment.

All services include:
a) Preliminary assessment of the case with a review of previous reports and complementary tests that the patient must provide, which the team will review prior to the online consultation.
b) Video consultation session with Dr. Enrique Sacristán. (Please reserve 25 to 40 minutes for this session). Make sure to have a good internet connection and privacy.
c) Post-consultation follow-up, through telematic means (email or phone conversation), regarding immediate evolution after the consultation. You may receive recommendations or treatment adjustments if necessary.
d) Commitment to a follow-up appointment within an appropriate timeframe. All follow-up appointments cost 100 euros and last approximately 20 minutes.


Specialized consultations for Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Comprehensive initial assessment and treatment. 250 euros.

Anxiety and Depressive Disorders

Initial assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plan. 160 euros.

Optimization of Treatment

Adjust your treatment to the minimum effective dose, avoid unnecessary polypharmacy. 160 euros.


Request a fresh comprehensive assessment of your case and receive a detailed report with recommendations. 200 euros.


Assessment and treatment before, during, and after pregnancy. 200 euros.

Online and in-person

Our care is always available to you

Consulta psiquiatra en Madrid

  • Travesía del Conde Duque 19, bajo. 28015 Madrid
  • 633 17 47 87

Consulta psiquiatra en Valladolid

  • Paseo de Zorrilla 22, 2ºA. 47006 – Valladolid
  • 633 17 47 87