Caring for your mental health


High quality mental health care that is tailored and personalized to the patient's needs.


Promotion and Prevention of Mental Health for High-Performance Professionals.

Sport Performance

World-class services and expertise in sport performance that will enhance your mental as well as physical health as a competitor.


Evidence-based Mental Health Interventions for students and teachers: prevention and early treatment of possible disorders as well as enhancement of academic performance.


Exclusive plans so as to transform your company into a workplace that is committed to mental health.

Health Providers

Consulting and advisory services for the development of built-in quality mental health interventions. Likewise, we offer Online Consultation - Liaison Psychiatric Services for any center that needs to add tele-psychiatry to their provision of care.

Leading Consultant Psychiatrist
Samon Mental Health

Dr. Enrique Sacristán Alonso

Dr. Enrique Sacristán Alonso lives his profession with passion, professionalism and commitment. He is trained in Psychotherapy (Comillas Pontifical U.)  and he completed a Master in Public Health (LSHTM).

Dr. Alonso has extensive international experience in outpatient as well as hospital care, in teaching and supervision of other doctors and  health professionals, and he has participated in the development of new services and interventions, some of which have had a great impact at the population level.

He also has experience in occupational health for multiple companies and different sectors.

What is Samon Mental Health?

We are a cohesive team of highly qualified professionals with international experience whose vocation is to provide the best care for people with mental health problems. We consider it unavoidable to also carry out effective interventions at the population level in order to improve the quality of life and the survival of those who suffer from a mental disorder and their relatives.


To lead the transformational change in the provision of mental health care that ensures their quality, availability, accessibility, safety and respect for the rights and dignity of patients.


To provide personalized and high-quality psychiatric care, available at any time and in any place, to improve the mental health and well-being of those who need it.


Honesty, Innovation, Professionalism, Excellence.


Here you can access all the articles we have recently published on mental health
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I´d like to provide a few insights into what sports psychology is, since in my experience there are quite a...
9 Jul
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Let’s make some brief notes, of particular importance today, regarding anxiety in general. What is anxiety? Anxiety is a universal...
21 Feb
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Observing population mental health, I detect a concerning social drift whose negative impact not only affects individuals but also the...
19 Feb

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